A. Factories and logistic systems that will operate and organize themselves without human interaction - कारखानों और लॉजिस्टिक सिस्टम जो मानव बातचीत के बिना खुद को संचालित और व्यवस्थित करने वाला
B. Robots who will replace people - रोबोट जो लोगों की जगह लेंगे
C. Both a & b - दोनों A और B
D. None of above - इनमें से कोई भी नहीं
A smart factory is a highly digitized and connected production facility that relies on smart manufacturing. Thought to be the so-called factory of the future and still in its infancy, the concept of the smart factory is considered an important outcome of the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0.