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Qus: The primary job of the operating system of a computer is to ________.

Qusकंप्यूटर के ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम का प्राइमरी जॉब ________ है।

A. कमांड रिसोर्सेस
B. मैनेज रिसोर्सेस
C. प्रोवाइड युटीलाइटीज़
D. user के अनुकूल रहें

B. Manage Resources


Managing resources is a crucial function of an operating system. Here are some key aspects of resource management in an operating system:

  • CPU Management:
  • Memory Management:
  • File System Management:
  • Network Management:
  • Security Management:
  • Error Handling: