LibreOffice Writer
- A word processor is a software for typing, formatting and creating documents.
- There are two types of formatting that we can apply – character formatting and paragraph formatting.
- For character formatting, we must first select all the characters where we want to apply the formatting. For paragraph formatting, it is enough to have any part of the paragraph selected – for a single paragraph, it is sufficient to place the insertion point somewhere in that paragraph.
- Character formatting includes – font, font style, size, font colour, underline style, underline colour, and effects – for example subscript, superscript, emboss, etc.
- Paragraph formatting comprises of – alignment; indents – left, right, first line and hanging; space before and after paragraphs; and line spacing.
- To highlight the points, we can use bullets or numbering for the paragraphs.
- If we plan to put tabular data, we can either use tabs – left, right, center and decimal; or use table to type in the text within the cells.
- To enhance the appeal of the document, we can insert pictures – either from clip art, or from files. We might have to select appropriate wrapping options to have the text around the picture.
- We can move or duplicate text in a document or across documents using options like Cut, Copy and Paste.
- If we are likely to make mistakes (and all of us are!), we can utilise the word processor to check the spellings and grammar.
- Before we print the document, we must decide on margins, page size, gutter etc. through Page Setup.
- If we need to have many copies of documents which are same except for some parts, like invitation letters, we can use the mail merge facility to make the task simpler.
- We can allow others to review the documents by editing as well as by adding comments. These changes can be tracked. We can later decide as to whether to keep those changes or to revert back to the original text.