CCC Flash card for Practice Exam
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What Is The Purpose Of Slide Views?
What Is The Purpose Of Slide Views?
Slide Views are used to view slides in four different modes such as Normal. Slide Sorter, Reading and Slide Show.
What Are Placeholders?
What Is The Slide Shorter View?
What Is The Slide Shorter View?
In this view, one can see slides in a shorter view. Therefore one has the facility to view all of the slides in a single view.
What Is The Slide Show View?
What Is The Slide Show View?
This is the view that will be shown to the audience. This view also provides an additional menu when one hovers on it.
Creating a Presentation
Creating a Presentation
PowerPoint presentation can be created in two ways as follows Blank Presentation Using a Templates
Line Spacing
Line Spacing
Line Spacing is used to adjust the space between paragraphs on the PowerPoint slides to fit more lines in a text box
Convert to SmartArt
Convert to SmartArt
The last button in the paragraph section of the Home tab is Convert to SmartArt.This button will give more options to create a different look for the PowerPoint slides.
Checking and Correcting Spelling
Checking and Correcting Spelling
User can check the spelling in a presentation with a menu option. While typing a word, a misspelled words and grammar mistake words are underlined with a red line or green line below the word.
Making Notes Master
WordArt Styles
WordArt Styles
In the WordArt Styles, user can change the text style, text color, text outline color and text effects.